Getting into Vinyl...

Was wondering what you guys would recommend for a phono preamp for someone just getting into vinyl and not looking to make this a passion. I am just trying to work some vinyl into my system (VTL 5.5, Krell 2250, b&w 804s) to play with on occasion, not looking to spend alot of money.

The players I have been looking into are the Rega P1, just not sure on the phono pre amp side of things. I was considering a SS phono pre since I already have a Tube pre amp. Is this a good line of thinking?? I don't want to lose bass if possible, and i know having all tube can cause this.

I know nothing about vinyl, except it sounds great and looks fun, so any help is throroughly appreciated.
I purchased an Audio Mirror Pp1 remote controlled tube preamp. It has both MM and MC inputs and of course a linestage. You can adjust the impedance via switches inside the preamp. This preamp is about $900.00 new on Audiogon from time to time from the manufacturer. This way you will have no restrictions.
A this point I think I am leaning towards the Black Cube with the larger power supply, I will start there and move ahead with the table, or vice versa. Seems like the phono is the more important piece, although we know better as philes. It's all a big chain....

That depends who you ask, but Dejan Veselinovic, an European audio journalist opened my eyes to that perspective. I chose the Monolithic Sound w/ dual mono outboard power supply and it does bring a lot of detail for its price point. The power supply is an important component in keeping the noise floor down.

Buying used is a great way to buy and sell until one finds a keeper...

As for TT's, I'm a direct drive man.
