Phono Stage - Passive Pre- Amp: Results??

Has anyone used a passive pre between their phono stage and amplifier with good results? If so, could you share the specifics regarding hardware? thanx much in advance.
Benz Lukaschek PP1 v9 into either a Bent TAP or a Placette Passive, then into a Gamut D100 or Nuforce Reference 9SE. 1M interconnects. Success with all combinations.
More so an issue with resistor based passives that transformer basaed, but still worth while to look into.
I use the Mod Squad Duet, which is a Phono Section and a Passive Pre. I love the thing. I got it from another Audiogoner here a few months ago. It works wonderfully. I have no problems with lack of gain and it is incredibly transparent. Check out my system for more comments on how it works.