Phono Stage - Passive Pre- Amp: Results??

Has anyone used a passive pre between their phono stage and amplifier with good results? If so, could you share the specifics regarding hardware? thanx much in advance.
Benz Lukaschek PP1 v9 into either a Bent TAP or a Placette Passive, then into a Gamut D100 or Nuforce Reference 9SE. 1M interconnects. Success with all combinations.
More so an issue with resistor based passives that transformer basaed, but still worth while to look into.
I use the Mod Squad Duet, which is a Phono Section and a Passive Pre. I love the thing. I got it from another Audiogoner here a few months ago. It works wonderfully. I have no problems with lack of gain and it is incredibly transparent. Check out my system for more comments on how it works.
Pawlowski6132, cable capacitance does play a role, but a more complex one than generally meets the eye. In addition to high frequency rolloff caused by the high output impedance of the passive control and the cable capacitance, the interconnect also has something called Characteristic Impedance (which cable capacitance plays a role in).

Characteristic Impedance is the property of the cable such that it will have no reflections when terminated at its characteristic impedance. IOW, a cable with a 150 ohm Characteristic Impedance will exhibit reflections unless a 150 resistance is placed across the cable.

The reflections in an unterminated cable are quite audible and is one of the differences you hear in cables, as nearly all of them have different CI. The lower the output impedance of the output that drives the cable, the less audible the reflections become.