Who is Michael Fremers'

Okay sometimes I just got bored and like to poke fun. Let us all send in our guess as to who in Mexico owns an Allerts MC2 and loaned it to Uncle Mikey for review? No personal attacks please. (May Issue Stereophile Vol.3, No.5; Analog Corner)
Well, Raul Iruegas might lend Mickey a package consisting of an MC2 and a certain as-yet-unreviewed phono/linestage preamp?
I could not believe that person actually sent his $6500 catridge to MF to review because MF could not get one from the manufactuer. I, too, would have been hesitant to unpack, mount, set-up that cartridge. That was interesting reading.
whats the point, other than some poor slob justifies an overpriced cartridge by seeing a good review in print (and it will be good), and fremer waists more of his time than he already does.
Dear Gregadd: I did. I'm waiting to read about, here in Mexico the magazine always comes delayed.

Regards and enjoy the msuic.