09-28-07: ThormanMy TT interconnects are captive, but if I could use interconnects, Kimbers would be on my short list. Kimber has some very cool and smart design features. Normally, heavily shielding interconnect raises its capacitance. Kimber figured out how to weave the leads to reject noise without encasing them in a shield. They're pretty low in capacitance while being very quiet. Best of both.
I was told ( by the needledoctor ) that the low cost Kimber cable i/cs are very good for use with turntables..I was told due to there design they reject most noise problems.. I was considering the "Hero" myself for my Thorens TD160...
For the money, the Kimber Timbres are fantastic, esp. with the locking WBTs. After trying them out for awhile though (in the multi-channel HT rig), I switched up to Heroes. It turned out to be a very incremental improvement for about 50% more. Still, I really like the Heroes. They just sort of disappear into the system and I don't think about interconnects anymore. They just sound right.
It's no mystery to me why both Stereophile and Abso!ute Sound have raved about them (as well as Soundstage and some others).