VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?

I have a newly acquired SSM with the JMW9 Sig tone arm. I'm using a Lyra Skala cartridge which has great sound. My phono pre is built into my BATVK300x Integrated. I had a Synergistic Research Kaliedascope Phase one at 1.5 meters lying around. I have been using it as my tonearm cable. It sounds ??? good!! Most likley it's the rest of the set up! What are others using as tonearm cables? A suggection as to what I should use would also be appreciated. Thank you for your input.
I'm using the Anti-cables too. They were more revealing than the VPI cables. It's probably a system dependent thing, but they work for me.
There is no cable on earth that degrades my system as much as any of the Cardas cables do. Truely awful in my setup...especially their power cables.
The whole premise here is to get this tiny fragile signal of the cartridge to your phonostage unmolested.

Your Valhalla wired tonearms are extremely revealing.
I understand why some audio reveiwers use it through out their systems.
However ,make no mistake about, its ruthless and totally unforgiving.

Nordost certainly is not the end all of wire designs. However a wire design like this used this far up the signal chain, there are enormous benefits to be had, thats for sure.

Do experiment from your juntion box to your phonostage.

The right interconnect will let you know immediately.