Tube phono preamp help please.

Looking for a new tube phono preamp. Only caveats - must be silver or wood (to match components) and be $500 or so or under. Looking at Pro-ject Tube Box II SE or Consonance PM-6. Is there anything else I should look at? Please keep conditions in mind. Many thanks!

I'd pick the Tube Box over the Jolida, warmer and more musical in my setup. The Bellari is also a contender at a much lower price.
I agree with the Jolida JD9a. I bought mine from the ebay seller below - it was shipped to me directly from Jolida. I haven't tried the Pro-ject, but did have the Bellari (don't recommend it), and other phono stages. I'm very happy with my Jolida.

Jolida JD9A
I've owned both the Jolida and the Pro-ject. I personally liked the Pro-ject the best.
My Yaqin MS-12B outperforms Bellari.
With tubes changed to Telefunken 12AX7 and RCA 12AU7, it sounds even better. With new tubes, it would be around $400. Yes, it is silver.