LP shipping

I'm not going to name any names, yet, but I just gotta get this off my chest.....

I ordered the HIFI News test LP along with the DB protractor from a well known source. These people just placed the LP in a box with some foam peanuts and their shipping label trash along with the protractor. No media mail packaging, nothing. Shipped it via USPS to Texas. It's over 100 frickin' degrees here. USPS put the box in a mail box in our apt complex, and it sat in there until I got home from work. Needless to say, the LP ain't mirror flat as it should be..... WTF?????
I just received this from.................. yikes.....

"I sent your replacement in a pizza style box with some bubble wrap......"
Crud, I feel like an idiot. I just ordered a dozen 180 gram special editions and had them shipped ground...to Phoenix Arizona.

At least I had the foresight to have them delivered to my office instead of my home. Here's hoping for the best.
The "pizza box" type of box is hopefully the kind specifically for LPs. That should give you better results.
Don't feel bad Shaz. I just ordered 4 LP's today....... NOT, from the same source......