The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?

By accident I got to know an guy from Swizerland who has
worked for years as technician (R&D,testing,manuf.etc) by
Benz. I made some joke about 'Zelle',the expresion he used
to refer to carts,by asking if the carts are made by
prisoners? ('zelle' is 'the box' in the prison) He appreciated my joke and explaned to me in 2 sentences
something I never thought about. There are 2 kinds of
'bobins': iron and the other kind. The 'classical example'
of 'iron' is the Ortofon SPU. The advantage: stronger signal and some kind of 'pleasing warm sound.the disadvantage:(more)distortion.
The 'ruby-cross' bobin has (much?) less distortion but can
sound 'thin' depending on the rest of 'the chain'.
This is obviously the so-called 'Holistic' approach ;
aka Rauls 'it depends...'. Me? Because I can't cope with
more then 2 variables at the same time I am for 'simplicity' approch. The best 'definition' of this
approch is from O.Wilde:'I have the simplest tastes. I am
alwys satisfid with the best'. So I am still seaching.
Raul will you please bring (more) light to this issue?

Nandric, I understand that the Transfiguration Orpheus uses a different MC mechanism than the two described above.
Atmashere. The 'bobin' is the 'thing' one must put the 'coils' on (copper wire,silver,gold,platinium).I am not an technical guy but I think that even your Orpheus,despite the Greek mytolology can't do without.

If you look at in the products section under mc cartridge,they have an explanation of bobbin,coil etc.Naturally they say their shape (mimics the cutter head,non magnetic) is of course the best.At any rate you don't need to be a technical guy to understand this well laid out informative explanation.I have not heard their cartridge,but am thankful for their informative presentation.
Nandric, my understanding is that the bobbin in the Orpheus is round, like the bobbin in a voice coil of a speaker. It is not cross-shaped like the Micro Benz use.