Are you an audiophile or a music lover: take 4

Lucifer's "ticked off" now, because of all those who chose to keep their music in the previous three threads, he's (she's?) decided to allow all you Music Lovers only ONE genre of music, ie Rock, Pop, Classical, Opera, C/W, Blues-- well, you get the idea. And please no quibbling or weaseling your way into multiple genres. "Big L" knows there are a lot of "cross over" artists, and sup-categories, but you've got to stick to the generally recognized main ones-- or the heat will be turned up.

This (to me) is tough'cuz I like a lot of different types of music, but I'd go with Blues. Good Luck. Craig
Egads, these are awful choices, and one after the other, at that. I'll take the same route that I took during three years of being tormented by the "would you rather" game in college (...would you rather fellate a horse on TV or administer a honey mustard enema to your father and retrieve it orally...) and refuse to choose! I'll admit that the "would you rather" game became almost unconscionably perverse, but these choices are not all that much better...;)
Since I have to choose one, "classical" music has the most real meaning for me, even though I don't think I listen to it more than half the time. Charlie
Yeah........tough on me too. I'd have to have everything from soft, acoustic Delta to high NRG Chicago Blues, with some Texas, Memphis and everything in between to survive.

KP; No habla (sp?) Please advise.

There are quite a variety of "confessions" here. Zydeco's gotta' be the most exotic-- so far. Craig