Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10

I have mounted an Exclusive EA-10 on my Micro (I added a pic to my system), one of the most expensive Japanese tonearms, maybe a little underrated. The tonearm and the tubes are re-wired by Ikeda silver wire. The EA-10 reminds me very much of the Max 282, most properly it was built by Micro Seiki. Does anybody know if this is true?
Opus111, as said before in my earlier post, both tonearms do feature what I consider "worst case scenario-inner wiring". Coaxial with a mixture of gauges and copper/copper-steel litz-wire. Add the additional connector - with two more solder joints and two different material transitions - and you have the reasons for the sonic downgrade.
Versatility and additional features requested those additional connectors, but the poor coaxial inner leads are an irksomeness in tonearms of this built-quality and price tag.
I just got returned a fully rewired Micro Tube XP-282. The Ikeda silver wire - even if some people believe it should be a Hongkong replica ( the results speak a different language) is such a huge improvement that I sometimes regret what users are missing driving their Micro and SAEC tonearms with the original copper litz.

best & fun only - Thuchan
Dear Daniel, As you know I am a careful but also skeptical
reader. They fit together I will hope. My question: in the front of the headshell we have ,say, 8m coppper wire on the 'bobin' or the plate for the coils in the cart. At the back of the rewired 'wand' or tonearm tube we have,say, 1m
phono-cable. I want mention all the soldering points. How can +/-40 cm. of Ikeda silver wire in between be of such invluence for the sound?

Daniel and Eckert-I recently purchased a Max 282 and am reading this thread with great interest. Have either of you heard the Kondo silver wire vs the Ikeda silver? Since it is now clear that they need to be rewired, I certainly want to maximize its performance, as this is the next step.

Daniel I received my RX 5000 this week and am totally in love with it. With the limited time available, I was able to set up only an Audio Craft 4400 with Koetsu Coralstone, but this combination never sounded this good in any other turntable! If this is a precursor of what is to follow, I will be in heaven.

Now I finally understand your fascination with this wonderful sounding beast.
Logenn, welcome to the fascinating world of Nihon`s best turntable manufacturer ever! Also the Coralstone is a wonderful cartridge and your Max is a perfect match.
Regarding the silver cables: It is nearly not possible to get Kondo silver litz for tonearm rewiring, the same with Crystal Cable. Both are excellent cables. In case of the Kondo it is very difficult to work with them cause every single filament is covered with thin plastic you have to unsolder. Usually it should be done by Kondo themselves or by some special dealers having the Kondo machine.

After rewiring you should also use silver wires in your headshell (Ikeda maybe). My best experience was with a SAEC 506/30 which was rewired from the cart`s pins (headshell) to the SUT (1,2 meters). No interfaces at all.

Enjoy this world. It is different!!! glad having you on board.

best & fun only - Thuchan