Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10

I have mounted an Exclusive EA-10 on my Micro (I added a pic to my system), one of the most expensive Japanese tonearms, maybe a little underrated. The tonearm and the tubes are re-wired by Ikeda silver wire. The EA-10 reminds me very much of the Max 282, most properly it was built by Micro Seiki. Does anybody know if this is true?
Dear Dertonarm: What you posted means: that over the years all what you posted on Agon has no " value " ? are not " transferable to others at all?.

IMHO you are trying to diminish all the contributions that all the Agoner's already made it in Agon: of course save but you!

So and following your statements maybe is time to close Agon and other net forums. Thank's to this forum and his people in-here you are earning money and could be risky if Agon close: don't you think?

My experiences and other Agoner's experiences are that many of what we discuss in these forums are " transferable " and due to this true " transferable " meaning many of us already improved the quality performance level in our systems.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, The pope answered some questions by some intrusive lady by stating: 'but my lady I am already Catholic.' We already know what you think about 'some'
German. I don't believe that your repetion is similar to
the Roman one: 'repetion is the mother of study'.
Besides I thought that your time must be a scarce 'good'.

Dear Nandric,
repetition is the mother of all forces. Telling you the third time that you are not my love baby should discourage you pleading all the time you still want to become my love baby. This is a bit like kindergarden but we are sometimes acting & reacting in this way - with our beloved toys in the play box.

I always feel sorry when Audigoners are too much driven by a strong belief making all friends catholics meaningly trying to convince them that there is only one direction to go...

best & fun only - Thuchan
You obviously don't mean that! Three Hail Marys for you I think.