Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10

I have mounted an Exclusive EA-10 on my Micro (I added a pic to my system), one of the most expensive Japanese tonearms, maybe a little underrated. The tonearm and the tubes are re-wired by Ikeda silver wire. The EA-10 reminds me very much of the Max 282, most properly it was built by Micro Seiki. Does anybody know if this is true?
Dear Raul, You are obviously not suitable for corps diplomatique: 'we don't have German restaurant' in Mexico.
This dear Raul is not even an implicit offense of the
German art of cooking. But you know they also believe that
they produce some really good wines. Besides they only pretend to respect the Frenchman. However I am sure that
thy are aware of the prices of: Chateu Margaux, Laffite and they can of course quess that Chateu Petrus is
not cheaper. Ever heard about an German as 'big spender'?
I am curious how Thuchan will wriggle himself out of the
situation which he himself caused. What a pity for Dertonarm and you.
I am sure that you would agree about Chateu Petrus.


Dear Nandric, yes indeed, you need to taste the "Parker-hyped" Chateau Pétrus once.
It will be a teaching example what promotional hype means in today's world. It is not bad - not at all, if you get a good vintage - but totally over-priced as a result of the rush Parker initiated with his bold statement more than 2 decades back. It certainly is one of the best from Pomerol. But if you do not share Parker jr. very specific taste and expectations in wine, you won't be positively surprised at all.
However - you'll never hear the statement "best wine" (generally spoken) from someone "into" wine at all. Way too many areas - way too many different tastes, way too many differences in vintages (taste a 1973 Pétrus - awful to say the least ...) to put any meaning into such a statement.
It is a nice example how "price equals quality equals status" is manifested in so many peoples mind in the western hemisphere.
Some people just need a "best" to put some meaning into things and to stabilize their world.
Dear Daniel, I somehow expected such a 'lesson' but I am used to learn from you. However my hope that you and Raul
will reach some consensus about enything is totaly crushed.
And this 'wine fight' is not even about (windmills) of the tonearm geometry, not to mention FR 64/66 'red rag'.
I give up but still hope that perhaps Halcro can do better.

Dear Nandric: Well, maybe I'm not to " diplomat " as you said it. We have german restaurants but not the one named, in the other side I'm ignorant if exist red wines at the level of those Chateus or a Chateu Laroque but if there are then it will be a pleasure to have a taste meeting aditional the audio reunion.

I really like " food ", eating is one of the few pleasures we have on earth that we can enjoy and I appreciate it enormeous. I'm universal on food-taste but I love the French gourmet one along his wines and especialy the top ones red or white ( including Grand Cru Champagnes. ).

Btw, and now that you " give up ", here in México people said:

" even that you did not eaten you feel a " discomfort in the stomach " "

I know that Thuchan will comes with a " nice " answer.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul there is a saying I picked up long ago it goes like this:

Heaven is French gourmet chefs, British bobbies and German machinist's.

Hell is British cook's, German police and French machinist's.