Marantz SA-15S2b, thoughts & opinions

Hey there everyone.
I'm on the fence on purchasing a new Marantz SA-15S2b SACD player and would like a little feedback. I'm not interested in PC, streaming or downloads so please keep the chatter on the SACD player :-)

I've heard the previous version just last week and was really impressed with it. That was with CDs only and CDs will be my primary source of music. After seeing the price of SACDs out there and the wide range of opinion on the sonics, I'll tread lightly if and when I buy any.

Any criticisms or raves are appreciated and please don't be put out if I don't respond to any or all responses as I just need opinions. Alternate suggestions need not apply since I really don't see myself buying another RB CDP. My tastes currently run to world jazz, vocals and acoustic, including small piece chamber music. My amp is a Burson integrated that mostly runs in Class A and my speakers are Tonian Labs TL-D1s with all cabling by Mapleshade and I listen in the nearfield. That should sum up all parameters and help narrow down any responses. And, I definitely will replace all fuses with HiFi Tuning ones or better which will improve sonics and allow me to hear further into recordings.

After talking to Marantz headquarters over in NJ and picking their brains, it appears this unit came out in June/July of 2011 and will be current for the next few years and there will be no discounts given at years end but I may have an authorized online dealer willing to negotiate a bit, but it's a long shot.

Thanks, in advance,
I am a disc spinner as well. I will look at the Marantz SA-11S3 when the time comes. I only hope that Marantz comes up with a firmware update on their USB capable SACD players so that they are able to play DSD via USB. I know that their latest Network player (NA-11S1) is able to do DSD using USB - and it uses the the same DAC as the 11-S3. They should also come up with a firmware for making the 15-S2B DSD capable, provided the CS4398 can handle DSD stream via USB.
If Oppo can do it, why can't (or will not) Marantz do it?
That SA-11S3 is quite the player. I don't know if it does DSD via USB but if I could afford it, I'd seriously consider getting it. I've corresponded with an online reviewer who's listened to and reviewed both units and although he loves the SA-11S3, he got the SA-15S2b as he feels it's got the best price to performance aspect going for it. YMMV.
The DACs in the SA-11S3 are DSD capable so it should stand to reason it could be done. That would make it a great hub for all your needs.

All the best,
Nonoise remember this.TEAC PD-H600 CD PLAYER HOWS IT SOUND we have converse before and thats when i started with the marantz cd-6004 and been going up the ladder since. I order one of the teac PD-h600 from one call,but had to send it back cause it didnt work,so never got to hear what that player sounded like. have really liked the warm or signature sound of the marantzs since. i have had a cambridge 740c a couple years back and the sound of that was little bright,but a overall ok player. before that the music hall cd25.2 nice stock cd player and also had a sony xa-20es,which i had that for about 8 years before i started trying more cd players. boy that sony really had a nice transport in it. well really got to love this audio hobby and hope to hear you review on the new marantz. The bird.
"Question of Balance" by the Moody Blues is a really good sounding SACD. Shelby Lynne's "Just a Little Lovin'" is too if very laid back covers of Dusty Springfield songs might interest you. The Dave Brubeck you got is a good one.

Give me some time, I'll think of more.
I thought I'd post an update on the Marantz SA-15S2b which I ended up buying.

I'm keeping it.

It has that classic Marantz house sound without going retro. Simply put, it carries a lot of weight and gravitas yet still lets the details (more than I have been hearing, actually) shine through. Mellifluous and beguiling without the bloat or smear.

I burned it in by running it for 7 days straight. Out of the box it was quite a letdown but after 5 hours it started to reveal itself. At the 10 hr mark it made another leap up in resolution and continues to impress me. I've had a few CDPs and a couple of DACs and I've never had one fail to impress upon first hearing, only to get incrementally better. This Marantz will confound anyone who won't take the time to let it mature.

One word of advice: careful cable matching is paramount with this, more so than any other device I've had. I used to use and love Mapleshade Ribbon ICs and when first hooked up, I had unbelievable mids and bass. It didn't take long to realize I had too much, at the expense of detail, micro dynamics, and nuance. Nothing I had on hand seemed to work so I settled on a pair of Darwin Silver ICs and everything came into focus beautifully. This pairing of SACD player and ICs are just about the perfect match, for me. Coherence is the best way to describe it. That, and serendipity.

I think Marantz has a hit on its hands and I'm seriously considering going deeper into debt with the matching integrated and calling it quits for many a year to come. As much as I like detail, nuance, subtle shading, and texture, I also love (and have missed without realizing it) the Marantz take on musicality: slightly warm, engaging, and comforting. Just a rich and full presentation that I can, and do, listen to for hours at a stretch.

The soundstage seems bigger and deeper. It's like I got a bigger amp or somehow grew another driver on my speakers. Intelligibility is greatly increased and now it's much easier to follow lyrics (which has always been a problem for me). What really gets me is how much more bottom end info I can follow. It used to be just a kind of noise, suggesting something going on down there but now it's just as defined as the rest of the spectrum.

Soundstage seems wider now, all the time, with proper height and weight. It's all upsides so far (except for that nagging urge to get the matching integrated). I'd be remiss for not mentioning the build quality. If you like vaults, tanks, and monoliths, you'll like this. It kind of grows on you (you really have no choice since it dominates the equipment rack). Buttons feel very solid and responsive and the drawer opens and closes very quietly.

With all the trending to PC audio I've found respite in disc spinner heaven with the Marantz. CDs take a great leap up in performance but bad recordings can, and do, sound worse with this player so be prepared to sell off the bad ones. I've only tried 3 SACDs and the step up in presentation is an eye opener. There is a greater sense of everything as long as the recording is good.

Call me a heretic, ban me from the audiophile club. I'll happily take my ball and go home and just listen to the music from now on. I haven't forsaken PC audio but have yet to latch onto it as I feel that it's got some ways to go before everything settles down so spinning discs it is for me.

Ken Ishiwata gets it. Now I do.

All the best,