Getting The Most Out Of My Scout

Hi Folks:

For a variety of reasons I've decided, for now, to keep my VPI Scout and upgrade my cartridge from a Dynavector 20XM to a Dynavector XX2MKII. Before my cartridge arrives and I make the change I'd like to make sure I'm getting the most possible performance out of my Scout. I am aware of the following upgrades that are available through VPI:

300 RPM Motor (I have this already)
Super Platter and Bearing
HRX Mini Feet
JMW9T Arm (with Nordost wiring?)
Stainless Steel Clamp
SDS Speed Control

Are there any I am forgetting?

Here is my question: Which of the available upgrades will provide the biggest performance improvement? If anyone cares to rank order the upgrade options that would be great.

Final question: I am interested in using a better set up jig (better than the stock one from VPI) when I install the new Dyna XX2MKII. Which of those available allow the best cartridge alignment for this table? I've seen a few out there but cannot tell which would be the best to use.

Thanks for your help!
Instead of investing all of those bucks in upgrading the Scout (aka: "Doing the VPI tango) you may want to consider buying another and better TT. scales are unnecessary. By that I mean (and have posted on these pages many times) that every cartridge off of the assembly line is just a bit different from its brothers, and therefore needs different pressures to sound its best. If the literature says the cartridge is designed to work between .75 and 2.75 grams, that means that somewhere in that range there is a perfect VTF ...not that the cartridge will play best at any VTF between those limits. I find that a scale is only good to get me in the "ballpark"..meaning the Shure scale is perfectly good. By the way...the Shure scale is far more accurate if you take the reading at the edge of the platter, with the front "feet" hanging off of the platter. Anyway, I urge all to experiment with various VTF's between the manufacturer's suggested limits to find the optimum VTF for YOUR cartridge. Also check it every few weeks, because it WILL change.
Doak: I thought of this and spent a fair amount of time looking for a table that would work in my application that would substantially outperform the Scout without spending more than double the price--I came up empty. With the XX2MKII now installed I'm feeling pretty darn good about my decision to hang on to the VPI.
I think the Classic blows the Scout away, and I have had both, and the Aries. It does not need all of the upgrades to get to the next level. I got rid of my SDS and arm on the Classic is better, IMHO, than the 10.5 that comes on the Aries, and blows away the JMW 9 signature.

I would buy a Classic again in a heartbeat. The only upgrade that I have, and it is great, is the periphery ring, but I would suggest that for any non-vacuum hold down table anyway.
I'm wondering what makes the Classic a better table? I can't see substantial design or engineering improvements over the Scout series that would account for significantly better sound. Enlighten me please, Classic advocates.