TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
I ran out of time, so I haven't read all the posts. While it's interesting to read about some ego stuff and discloser issues, since we have some very expert people posting on this discussion, I was wondering if maybe the experts could give us a little insider tips about turntables and tonearms. For instance, if it's a gimballed arm, what are the characteristics of that versus a uni-pivot? That was just an example, but any input(without giving away any secrets)would be appreciated.
those using this arm, what cartridges works well ? or does not work with it ?
Further, reading online the instruction manuals says that this arm can work with carts between 5 g to 20 grams. Effective mass is 14 g.
Does this mean that any cart that falls into that weight limit of 5g to 20g would automatically work ?
What about the compliance issues ?
Thanks for the inputs.
is the tw arm design more in close resemblance to a Graham Phantom where it is unipivot ? or is it closer to design like a gimballed tonearm in the likes of Triplanar ?
could listen to the arm at the Munich High End yesterday for the first time. It sounds very good indeed!