LP Cleaning brush

hi guys,

Just want to know what cleaning brushes are you using for cleaning LPs esp in conjunction with a record cleaner ?
My vpi 16.5 comes with the nylon brush.
Some of my friends don't recommend it as they feel it can possibly scratch the surface of our precious records.
I hear a few recommendations from them but i wish to hear some opinions from the forum which brushes you guys are using when spreading the chemical and scrubbing the Lp.

Thanks for the inputs....
Mofimadness: Once the pad wears out, you can send it in or about $6-$7 to have it repadded.
Where can you have this done?
Also, I bought a new Discwasher (mine is 20+ years old) and it came with brown felt. I could not see the dust on the brown felt like with my old black felt version. Kinda pi$$ed me off so I tossed the new one. Do you know if I can get it re-felted with black?
Thanks, John
LAST brushes, different one for each of 3 AIVS fluids I use. Replace when dirty.
I use Lloyd Walker's 4 part cleaning system which is supplied with very good directional felt-like brushes. The brushes can be purchased without the rest of the cleaning system if you are not using the Walker Prelude Cleaning Kit.

I use VPI's record brush with MoFi's record cleaning solution on an initial play of a newly aquired used record to see if it is in good enough shape to keep. Then I use Walker's Prelude system if the record is good. It is less time consuming and less expensive to do it in this way.