Phono Pre-amp with XLR

I am looking at hooking up a Turntable with pre-amp to my anthem D2 pre-pro. I would like to use the XLR connections on the D2 for this.

I am currently looking at a VPI scoutmaster table and I know you can get an XLR junction box for the table. I am wondering what kind of phono stage to get with this setup. I would prefer tube and have seen them with XLR in/outs as well as with RCA in and XLR out. I don't know if i would be loosing or gaining anything by going RCA from the table to the phono stage then XLR to the Pre-pro (saving the 350$ for the junction box of course) or going XLR all the way.

Thoughts? Also looking for suggestions for the phono stage - around 1K new or used

Thanx Much
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Depending on your budget you should have a look at either Blue amp or the BMC phono amps. Both brands are non tube though. As far as I know both of these brands make true balanced phono amps. Many brands do give the option of XLR in/out but often the amp it self operates non balanced.
I am using a VPI Superscoutmaster/rim drive with a balanced XLR junction box to an Ayre preamp. The result is an absolute quiet background and clear, clean signal. My LP's are as quiet as CD's. No hiss, hum, - nothing even with the volume control raised.