converting Rega to balanced output?

Has anyone converted a Rega tone arm from single ended to a balanced output?

TT is a P-7, using a Benz glider SL cart.

You need to rewire the Rega from the collar to the phono-pre. The ground wire should be split in R en L channel and connected with the nr.1 on the XLR connectors. The
red and the white wire to the nr.2 and blue and green to the nr.3 of the both (L-R) XLR connectors.
Thanks Nandric!
Jmc, I have had it about a year now. I went from P-1 to p3-24 to p-5 then to P-7 (yes my dealer has been very generous!) I think it is a great TT, set it and forget it kind of thing, you just have to get past staring at those disc as they spin around LOL...
I find balanced phono a real plus. As I read these pages, people have hum/noise problems....I have a balanced system that is absolutely DEAD quiet...even with the volume control turned up. Doesn't get better.