Brinkmann vs TW Acustic

Was wondering how these two German manufacturers compare.
Bardo vs Raven One
Oasis vs Raven GT
LaGrange vs Raven AC
Is there a unique sound signature that goes up with the range? Which is a better value? (i.e. maybe the Oasis is better than the Raven AC)
Have heard both in show conditions, but could not pin-point their contribution to the end result as the rest of the system was unfamiliar as well.

Now for the wonderful watch story. I never bashed the dealer on this one although I was very unhappy that the cartridge in question had a compliance that varied from sample to sample. I had a loaner sample from a friend that worked perfectly on an SME V and was just magical. It was resonating at 10Hz. Can't ask much better.

So I made a deal. The one I received was completely different in terms of suspension and didn't work well in my SME V. I was very disappointed. I never bad talked and I am still not. Anyhow, the deal wasn't smooth. Namely the watch he wanted only came on leather strap and expected it on Alligator. But it just doesn't come that way and was never alluded to coming that way. And furthermore, it could not be ordered as they don't make it. And everything was brand new.

I have sold a few friends watches. After I purchased equipment from them. I do believe that fine watches and analogue kind of relate. Don't you?

Maybe you understand this and maybe you don't. Lashon Ha Rah won't get you anywhere.

I can give you several experiences where manufacturers have not lived up to all my expectations. But some have exceeded them. But I don't make it my mission in life to Bad Talk.

On a very positive note, I bought a Harmony One remote. The Lithium battery died and swelled up inside so I couldn't change it. I called them to see if I could send it back and pay to get the battery changed. They told me 3 things. They mentioned had my remote for 3 years. It was no longer under warranty.

AND the third thing, They sent me a new remote free of charge. What amazing service. My VTL preamp and my Apple TV remote and my EMM all are controlled by it. Great company. I hear they aren't doing that well with the remotes anymore. But so few of us take the time to mention anything good, just the bad.

So people wonder why TW owners defend their product so highly. I guess it is due to the excellent service from the people at the top. The forum that allows people to exchange ideas. They create a loyalty by providing an excellent product and service to go along with it. Unfortunately some people seek to destroy this and of course it would be upsetting.
It's unfortunate the turn this thread has taken. It's a pity that most TW threads end up this way. The OP asked an innocent question regarding a comparison between two reputable brands. I suspect he had no clue this would lead to so much bile.
A little over a year ago I was happily plying my TW AC1 when I turned for upgrade advice to Dgad and Dev, the only two known practioners /owners of the TW Black Night on Agon.Thanks largely to the sensible advice and encouragement from these Gentlemen I took the plunge and added the Black Night 3 way motor and PSU to my TW AC. It was an expensive decision and I am happy that I made. It would be churlish of me not to thank and acknowledge Dev's fulsome praise for the TW BN combo and for nudging me in this direction along with Dgad.
I am unable to fathom what went so wrong......?
Dgad said;


You purchased a second hand unit. And had no direct dealer support. Not from Jeff and not from TW.

THAT'S AN OUT RIGHT LIE, who told you that CRAP! You need to get your information correct before posting such malicious false information.

So you THINK you know so much who did I buy mine from?

Even if it was purchased second hand which it wasn't what happen to all of the praise from owners on threads saying that both Jeff and Thomas stand behind the TW product, what a laugh that is. You are just digging TW further into a hole and I must address such when you try to discredit me.

How many TW's BN tables do you think there were sold when I purchased mine that made their way to Unit States threw JEFF?

Jeff is the North American guy right or are there other ways like back door deals so Jeff doesn't get his ridiculous chunk of change.

As you wrote you purchase direct, shouldn't of yours gone threw a dealer out your way.

In the end non of this has to do with the merits of the tables them selves does it.

In relation to the Minus K which I still own, the remarks made clearly demonstrate lack of knowledge.

The bearing in my BN table was not similar to the one in my AC3 and I have personally seen three different ones.

Dgad, I really don't care but there is allot more to the watch story than that which is going around. I'm sure you paid allot less for your table than what I did.

Amazing how you heard IMPROVEMENTS once you had your controller changed "upgraded" and admit it would only hold 4 hours on battery and would not hold accurate speed but once done hear differences.

I suppose that goes against all the other remarks in this thread from others suggesting I didn't and couldn't and trying to discredit and freaking out about it.

As mentioned I did send my controller unit back to Thomas of TW "ON WARRANTY" and said he changed the board and batteries.

Look I understand any product will have changes, hopefully for the better and these forums are suppose to be for end users sharing information but for what ever reason TW owners specifically "some not all" freak out if anything is mentioned.

You whom will know still have yet to answer my other questions but when you asked I did, why is that?

Is there something to hide?

Many seem to make reference to Syntax who does have allot of knowledge but no mention to trolls such as Ebm with their one liners whom post on many different threads making reference to TW being the best which is crap! Firstly there is no best, secondly when he post specifically in reference to TW never constructive adding anything. All one had to do is read his past threads hear and on other topics threads and can clearly see. Like I stated before all praise for me from him but once I made any comments in relation to the TW product FLAWS only replies with iodic remarks as some above which clearly demonstrates his lack of credibility.

I laugh when I read some write;

You are clueless in setting up a TW table but that same person also writes he had his set-up for him.

So who is the clueless one.

I'm sure his controller is an older version but can't even hear as both Dgad and I have stated, what a joke! :-)
You mention BACK DOOR DEALS so Jeff doesn't get his ridiculous chunk of change.
I'm curious did you get your VAC electronics through the BACK DOOR so the dealer can be bi-passed or does your VAC dealer and the maker of your other components deserve their ridiculous chunk of change.
I have know idea what may have happened but it seems like this is really a vendetta against one of the recognized GOOD GUYS in this industry.