Mattmiller: very helpful advice, and I'll follow your misc. suggestions as to cartridges, spacer installation, and the JA Mitchell clamp. I have 4 other turntables in service, have changed cartridges in many turtables probably nearly a hundred times, but the Rega arms have spooked me, not due to dealer advice, but my own problems in trying to install a Shure V15III cartridge in a P3 years ago.[I now realize the V15 was too compliant and the Rega arm too heavy for satisfactory results.] Armed with your newly supplied info., perhaps I'll be less spooked in the future! Jperry: The Rega dealer is actually installing a Dynavector 20X2 HO in my just ordered RP8; I have a Denon 301II installed in my vintage Denon 62L That T.T. with its servotracer arm, can play the Telarc cannons with all cartridges I have tried.Rauliruegras: I'll check into that aftermarket attachent; I've read many of you forum items recently and I am in awe about your expertise and your equipment!