Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill

Is it an overkill for my Clearaudio Concept TT and Concept MM cartridge.

I am a new to Analog but clearly its going to be my #1 source of listening pleasure I know already.

Should I start the safe route of picking up an EAR 834P and then going up the chain.

What are your views on this phono stage in general is it worth the money, I have a chance to get one at 25% off retail, which for this phono as I understand never happens, have not seen this phono in Audiogon ever in the last 6 months of looking everyday.
Essrand, in relation to the point I raised in my earlier post you may find it useful to read the following thread, and also the thread that is linked to in the post in that thread by Thom_Mackris (Galibier turntable designer):

Largest Impact - Arm or Cart?

As you'll see, although opinions are divided there is considerable support among the assembled experts for the notion that the quality and performance of the turntable and tonearm are more important than that of the cartridge.

-- Al
onhwy61, That was a good question and I was pondering upon it myself too.
What cartridge would I get, if I go for the coincident.

I know cartridges are a world in itself. I would just start with the most inexpensive MC cartridge that would be compatible with the Concept turnarm.

I do not know what that would be. My best guess right now is Sumiko Bluepoint evo 3. Since the dealer from whom I bought the TT (used), suggested it.

Here is another way I look at my system.
I have been looking and its very hard to find an EAR 834P used (They have come up only 3 times in the 3 months)

Buying one new = $2000 (with taxes)
Sell it down the road -> $1000 loss
sell the Triode ($2000) + $2500 = Coincident Phono
Risk is that Coincident Phono does have a great line stage as stereomojo suggests. And i have to get a line stage down the road for my digital.
Essrand, just as with moving magnet cartridges, the Sumiko Blue Point Evo III moving coil cartridge is not compatible with the Coincident Statement Phono Stage. Its output is too high (2.5 mv), and it requires a 47K load, which the Coincident does not provide. You need a low output moving coil cartridge if you want to use that phono stage.

-- Al
Hey Al, Doesn't the Coincident have a built-in SUT, and is there not the possibility to bypass the SUT, if you have an MM? I guess not, based on what you wrote. I am quite surprised.