Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash

This weekend, my girlfriend's parents came to visit. In her mother's haste to "help out" around the house, she threw away my brand new Cardas interconnect, which I had not even unpacked yet.

Will someone please respond with some humor. I could use it right now...
The woman is obviously an audio reviewer and thought that Nordost Blue Heaven is what your system needs? Seriously, sorry to hear about this one. How does someone throw out something like that, which is still in its packing?
i'd say the girlfriend owes you big time. you should get the following in writing:
*no foreign films for 1 yr
*no talking during sports
*a monarchial relationship w/ the remote control
*an automatic VETO for evening entertainment, to be used at will
*the ability to call her friends a bunch of trash-bag hos w/o fear of reprisal.

that's worth $150. if you had the Golden Cross, i could thinkk of others. :-)

If it's not too late, bring the trash bucket back to dig out unpacked Cardas.
The same thing happend with me when I couldn't find a tooth crown that had been placed in the decorative ash-tray (I keep a few decorative ash-trays for suvenier purpouses only since I do not smoke). It was trhown by my mother-in-law during a clean-up process.
strap her to a bomb and send her to see bin up close. glad you can laugh about it i would be pissed to no end.
Years ago, I gave my old system system to my mother. A few years later, the tuner went bad so she gave it ALL to Goodwill. One of the components in the system was a McIntosh C22, which at the time was selling for at least $1500.
Although I didn't really care for the C22, I sure would have liked to sell it to use the money for more Krell gear.

The pain may never go away, but it will get better.
Thank you for the topic. I needed to talk about my this for years.