Do Kimber KCAG's sound bright????

I have Kimber KCAG through out all my connections except for Transparent Audio speaker cables and PS audio power cables. My system sounds a little bright. Have Bryston amp and Adcom preamp. Is copper all round better???? Mike
It depends on the gear with which they are being used. You know all the synergy @#%&* that people talk about, well this is one of the few times it's really true.
Kimber's silver cabling to me sounds bright. All the Adcom preamp's that i've ever heard are bright. Most Bryston amps, especially the older versions, are on the bright side too. Hopefully, you're not running metal dome tweeters...

Having said that, not all silver is bright, nor is all copper "warmer" and "softer". It really depends on several different variables. As a general rule though and after looking at the components within your system, i would think that you would be safer using a copper based cable than you would a silver based model. Sean
I think it's a synery thing, I've used KCAG with tubes and found it to be wonderfully open sounding and not at all bright. However with ss amps, particularly more medium-priced stuff, it might be bright or simply too revealing. I don't think you can say the cable is intrinscaly bright however.