Breaking in power cords

Can I break in my new power cord by connecting it to a lamp and then leaving it on fulltime? Various threads indicate hundreds of hours of break in time in the audio system, and I don't want to wait months and months for the benefits. Has anyone tried this method?
What chu talkin about Willis ? My Dryer is a Maytag , it operates off a 120-volt receptacle. When I had the thought , I cleared it with Jerry Ramsey of Audio Magic.
I definetly notice cleaner sound.........or was that cleaner laundry ? Hmmmmmmmm................
How about on an active subwoofer that I leave on all the time, will the amp in that give a PC a proper break in?
My dryer has a 120v 20A line, but it is a natural gas model and not electric. I currently run my stereo off of my dryer's outlet. Cleaner clothes? With Walker SST, you bet!