Where to find quality "stock" power cords

I just sold a pair of monoblock amplifiers but could not locate the stock cords that came with them. I promised the buyer I would supply these. For a high-power amp from a big name high-end company, this is normally a 14 awg shielded PC. Should be easy enough to find, but I've not had luck. Suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Interesting, I'd like to know as well. I recently sold an amp and couldn't find the power cord so I included an Absolute Power Cord instead.
Get the Volex 17604 power cords from Carlton Bates. The buyer may actually thank you for it.

Try your local 'electronics' store (not stereo store) and get some heavy guage Belden cords. They are cheap and good.
Try Gene Rubin audio.
Naim has come out with a new powercord to replace older ones.
They are $25 each. I think they are about 14 guage.