Longer Power Cords Sound better?

In my quest for power cords, i have noticed that a longer cord say 6 or 8 feet tends to have a nicer sound in my system that the same models that are 3 or 4 feet.
Power cords i have found this to be true include Cerious Tech, Cardas, and VH Audio....anyone have an explanation?

AND by nicer sound I mean they tend to have a richer midrange, and a more coherent top to bottom presentation.
Longer PCs sounding better is an urban legend. They abound in this hobby`s gullibility quotient.
Cables have their rated electrical parameters specified per unit length, typically per foot or meter. As such, their level of capacitance (for example) will increase linearly as the length of the cable increases. Therefore depending upon a cable's specific design parameters, different lengths can offer some significant differences in apparent sound quality. In some systems and applications higher capacitance in a power cable may be a desirable attribute, while in other scenarios it may not. The same applies to a cable's rated inductance and resistance. YMMV applies well with high end audio cabling solutions.
Sorry you aren't happy with the way your thread has panned out, but no need to make personal attacks. Besides, I'm on your side! Heheh. I respond with humor, something you obviously have difficulty comprehending and you call me names? You sound like a little girl that just had her stuffed animal punched. Tell me, do you think your response is any more mature than me. How personal do you want to get? Think carefully about this.
Ie, lighten up, Gunbei's just pulling your chain. FWIW, due to placement of outlets I have 2 and 2.5 meter power cords for the amps on my right channel, and 1 meter power cords for the amps on my left channel (all Kubala Sosna Emotion), and haven't noticed any difference between the two channels sonically. Might be different with other brands or setups.
I got it. Run dedicated AC lines and solder them directly the the power supplies inside your gear. :-)