DIY Acrolink or Lessloss for Cary SLP-05?

On on the fence between these two seemingly open, transparent, dynamic and detailed power cords. I have not listened to a system with these. My current power cables are DIY VH-Audio Flavor 2's and 4's (amps and line conditioner). Most use the Furutech gold male plug and silver IEC.

Should I stay with my current power cable scheme or "upgrade" with the addition of the Cary?
Why would such a little price difference be a factor. Oyaides plugs are the biggest asset in this application.
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The 079 plugs, which according to Alan Kafton who sold me the cable imparts a slightly warmer presentation than the 046 plugs on the Tunami.

For whatever reason, in my system both the Acrolink and Oyaide cable sounded best on my amp.
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Thanks folks, this is what I was looking for. I'm going with Acrolink and the Oyaide 079's. The Oyaide 079 worked well with my Flavor 4's and I might imagine based upon the valuable experience's posted here as well as a web site I found that matched Oyaide's with Acrolink, it's a safe decision (whatever "safe" means in the purchase of high end cables).