Power Wedge 1 vs Furman Elite 15 PF

I have the choice of buying one of these used, which would be my best option in terms of protection and sound quality?

Thanks in advance :)
I have the Furman Elite 15PF and I would recommend it highly to anyone. It has a great deal of flexibility with all of the outlets and has saved my equipment during a severe electrical storm. It also has reserves power for the times when your power amp needs to draw large amounts of current without limitations. As far as sound quality, there is none. The sound of the component is what you will hear without any coloration from the Elite 15PF. Since I have never used the Power Wedge, I am unable to offer you any comparison between the two.
At one time I used the Power Wedge and also the Power Enhancer...an auxiliary unit that brings the Power Wedge to a higher level. When I got a more refined system, I found that the Power Wedge actually did more harm than good and when I got additional higher quality components, even the Enhancer revealed that it was a detriment. I suggest you try the Power Wedge and Enhancer and see how it works in your own system
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I have the Furman. When I connected my ARC vt200 to it the music seemed just a hair louder and more dynamic. I couldn't hear anything detrimental to the music. My pre remained exactly the same; no ill effects as far as I can tell. However, I could hear the effects of the furman with my CD player especially on guitar strings, they rang and seemed less clear so I don't have that piece connected. Both my CD player and pre benefited from using the Lessloss pc by lowering the noise floor leaving a cleaner and clearer sonic picture so I did not experiment with the furman w/o the lessloss pc's. The furman is very good but I would connect each component one at a time and listen for changes. As always, your experiences may be different.