Power Wedge 1 vs Furman Elite 15 PF

I have the choice of buying one of these used, which would be my best option in terms of protection and sound quality?

Thanks in advance :)
At one time I used the Power Wedge and also the Power Enhancer...an auxiliary unit that brings the Power Wedge to a higher level. When I got a more refined system, I found that the Power Wedge actually did more harm than good and when I got additional higher quality components, even the Enhancer revealed that it was a detriment. I suggest you try the Power Wedge and Enhancer and see how it works in your own system
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I have the Furman. When I connected my ARC vt200 to it the music seemed just a hair louder and more dynamic. I couldn't hear anything detrimental to the music. My pre remained exactly the same; no ill effects as far as I can tell. However, I could hear the effects of the furman with my CD player especially on guitar strings, they rang and seemed less clear so I don't have that piece connected. Both my CD player and pre benefited from using the Lessloss pc by lowering the noise floor leaving a cleaner and clearer sonic picture so I did not experiment with the furman w/o the lessloss pc's. The furman is very good but I would connect each component one at a time and listen for changes. As always, your experiences may be different.
I use the Furman in both my two channel and HT setups and its great. I run everthing, amps and all, through the Furman and cannot detect any ill effects.
Thanks guys!
I tried out a Power Wedge and it crippled my system. Looks like I'll have to take a look at the Furman, at least it's got a good reputation with you guys!