Nothing. Still think they are magic, after trying multiple other contenders. Only cable close is Stealth Indra. Have one pair in my system, rest are Valhalla, including biwired speaker cables and PC's.
David Elrod (Elrod Power System) new Silver Signature speaker cables and power cords.
I auditioned (but can't afford) David Elrod Gold Signature Speaker cables and Gold Statement power cords. Its another dimension, anothe universe. I am not sure if I have and if I want to use "words". I will use somebody else words:
This gentleman has been burning in the Statement Gold PC for about a month now. He says they have thunderous bass. He says they paint a surreal, 3D. holographic sound scape that wraps around the back of your head. He says they have incredible depth and blackness and spot on richness and tonality. He says the highs are to die for, sweet but not rolled off.
First NBS Omega, then Kubala Sosna Emotion. All fine cables, including the Valhalla, just different tonal balances. Any of them could be satisfying, depending on the system and your listening biases--the Kubala-Sosna ultimately was the one that worked the best in my system for my tastes.
After having all Valhalla in my system for three years, I'm back to Stealth Indra IC's and Speaker Dream Cable. My music has returned to me. Let's face the subjectivity of all this cable selection stuff so it really gets down to what you like in your system.
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