Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
Maybe one of you can write a comparative review on the PLCs that you have owned? Arthursmuck, is the SR PowerCell SE better than the Running Springs stuff you got?
I really don't feel up to a full on comparative review but yes I purchased the PowerCell over my Running Springs Duke and Haley, which are excellent in their own right. As Shellie wrote, it actually seems to improve dynamics by a good bit, even over straight to the wall, and enhances image spacing and soundstage, in a very positive way. I don't know the SR does what it does, but listening to it for a couple months now I'm not sure I much care how it does it, as long as it keeps doing it.
I currently have a Richard Grey 400 Pro. I have no other power conditioners to compare it with. I need more outlets, so I ordered a BPT Pure Power Center, which is just a basic power strip with no filtering, etc. I am curious as to whether or not the BPT will sound better on its own than the Richard Grey.
Rockinrobin, you might be surprised by the BPT. I had a non-filtering PPC with Oyaide SWO-GX outlets. I was very impressed by the results.