Need Cable recommendation for VAC/Avalon Combo.

I am looking for cabling suggestions for my current setup. I use a VSE modded 6+ Sony SCD-777, a First sound Paramount Preamp, and a pair of VAC Renaissance signature 140's feeding a pair of Avalon Eidolon Diamonds. I am currently using Kubala Sosna cables and I am looking for something with a little more body to vocals and a bit better depth and image solidarity. any suggestions??
I run Phi 300.1's but with the Ren Sig II pre...I use KCI Silkworm SE in my system and they have withstood many challengers at a variety of price points. John at KCI has a demo policy on Silkworm's (not the SE as they are custom gauge) I would encourage you to demo them from him and listen for yourself to see if it's what you seek, but my experience has been exceptional synergy with VAC gear...
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Very nice system. I have seen MIT cables used with large Avalon speakers (the latest version of the Eidolon Diamonds) and large Pass tube amplifiers and they worked extremely well together. I believe the cables were MIT Magnum M3 or M2.