Do Audiogon members like DIY cable projects?

I have designed my own interconnects and speaker cables and I have excellent results. A few others have tried them and they compare well with some high end cables but at a much lower cost.

Do Audiogon members like making their own cables? Would the anyone like me to post detailed information and construction details?

What forum should they go in, this one?

If I get some favorable response I will post the DIY series for the Zero-va interconnects and the Zero-va speaker cables. If there is not much interest I won't bother; I don't want to eat up space for something that is not wanted.

OK, there is a least some interest in seeing what I came up with so I will post the information. There is a lot of information (including pictures of how it is done) so I will break the info up into a few posts. However, the posts will go into the same thread. I will take the advice of T_bone and start a new thread.