LessLoss DFPC Signature

Has anyone compared the Signature version of these PC's to the original version? Can you describe difference in performance (if there is an audible difference). Thank you.

Note, when you see 6 new posters that join in the same month and all rave and plug for the same company you can bet that long time members will not take them seriously. But hey, you never know in these crazy economic times,cough cough. You go boy!
As the originator of this string, I really do not understand the cynical comments or those that suggest not so obliquely that the mfr. somehow planted the positive comments. I am a seasoned litigator with over 3 decades of experience under my belt,(and an audiophile for longer than that) and have confronted liars at the highest corporate levels, so I think I have a bit of a nose for deception. Louis Moten does not make that skeptical nose twitch.

I have used the original LessLoss cords for about a year and they are very good and a tremendous value. I have no reason to believe the positive comments on the Signatures are plants or are insincere, so I am going to try the Sigs. Regardless of the reviews, my ears will be the final arbiter.

C'mon people, let's be nicer.

So what or who made those 6 individuals all of the sudden join Agon and post on this one thread? They all just stumbled on to it and decided to join at the same time? That is a huge red flag to me.
Neal, I stand by my comment and will add that I'm confident that the manufacturer asked some of his happy customers to head on over to Audiogon and make positive comments about his products. Why do I think that? Because several of the comments above are from people whose only participation in Audiogon discussions is this thread. That makes this topic nothing more than advertorial and I think readers have a right to know.

And, yes, I have no doubt that other manufacturers do this also. LessLoss has some history here, About a year or two back, LessLoss offered its cords at a reduced price to anyone who would write favorable comments about it on Audiogon. Created a lot of good will with his existing customers (like me) who had paid the going rate.
I am a seasoned litigator with over 3 decades of experience under my belt,(and an audiophile for longer than that) and have confronted liars at the highest corporate levels, so I think I have a bit of a nose for deception.

Break out the lawyer jokes....