Generally wise/unwise to mix metals in AC plugs?

Is it generally wise or unwise to employ different metals in the terminations of power cords? For instance, Copper (male or iec) on one end and Gold on the other? And so forth -- all the permutations.
So... maybe replace the male end with copper? I wonder what gold and silver would do?
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It's not so hard for music as structure to get through the labyrinth of elements -- even the tinny little radio I had as a kid in the 50's did that -- what's so amazing is that such a fully embodied verisimilitude of reality can do so. We have come a long way, but I have yet to hear a system that sounds like what I hear in the middle of an orchestra. That's ineffable. And it always will be, which is only right.
what's so amazing is that such a fully embodied verisimilitude of reality can do so

Now that's a mouthful!!