Who make the pretiest cables, cords out there?

Well, wife sneaked in behind me curious who the heck I was looking at (w/o blinking) from our family computer monitor in hours long smiling and all. I was checking out some high dollars cables/ cords. Wow, they look pretty, she said.
Now she's curious which COMPANY make the PRETIEST cables and cords?
Can u help?

I love Audiofeils sense of humor. I did not think anybody had a dark sense of humor as bad as mine. If we lived in the same town I sure we would be drinking budies. All crazyness asside I vote Purist Audio Designs as "PRETIEST" cables the fit, finish & craftsmanship are top notch.

I'll cast my vote for Crystal Cables - LOTS of WAF in those cables!

Cables with WAF, now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one.
Nasaman- My wife never walked in on me looking at pretty cables, but
she almost caught me looking at some pretty racks.

RixRax of course.