Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
No, I use Q and TelWire cables.

Disclaimer: I am a dealer for TelWire and Q.
I have used DNM solid core speaker cable. This design is 1mm in size and fixed in a spaced configuration. There was a jump in clarity and pace compared to traditional stranded copper cable.

The only downside has been a lack of bass in the last octave.

For the money (around 60 pounds for 8 feet terminated), it would be hard to beat. If cost in not a consideration, I do think ultra thin ribbon cabes are the best for IC and speaker cables.
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After using various solid and stranded cables over several decades of audio madness, I recently found a synergistic match to my current pile of electron manipulation gear in a recent iteration of relatively inexpensive Audioquest solid core speaker wire...I'm not sure why people want to spend 3 to 10 times the price of this stuff on anything else as it lacks nothing except quasi entertaining mysterious voodoo...if a cable is light on the last octave of bass and musical "pace" (meaning timing I suppose) I can only imagine it's as thin as a polyester microfibre, or the designers blended condor guano into the metal formula. I'm not a cable luddite and if I had unlimited cash I might buy some extreme $26,000 per inch cable just to marvel at how it looks (and engender geek cred in spades, as well as disdain from sane people), but otherwise I remain in the world of the actual, and welcome others along for the ride.