Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
OK, gonna try the Crimson MLs. Several people have recommended 'em. Hard to imagine they're gonna beat my Huffman SX, though. Report to come.

I still keep a set of Grover interconects and speaker cables around just in case.
I'm a veteran professional musician...whenever I hear a cable description using the term "rhythmically accurate" I cringe. If a cable is not rhythmic, it's because the dog is chewing on it or somebody with no sense of musical timing is yanking it out of its socket.
No, I use Q and TelWire cables.

Disclaimer: I am a dealer for TelWire and Q.
I have used DNM solid core speaker cable. This design is 1mm in size and fixed in a spaced configuration. There was a jump in clarity and pace compared to traditional stranded copper cable.

The only downside has been a lack of bass in the last octave.

For the money (around 60 pounds for 8 feet terminated), it would be hard to beat. If cost in not a consideration, I do think ultra thin ribbon cabes are the best for IC and speaker cables.