Does anyone have any opinions on the Morrow MA1 IC. I am ready to go for all new IC and have really have no other way to compare except for what I read.
I have all ICs from Signal Cable and am pleased. I just ordered speaker cable from Morrow and if I am pleased might try the ICs as well. For well made inexpensive ICs, esp long runs, i have used Blue Jean Cables.
The MA1's are a great way to try Mikes cables and sound good to boot and may be all you need! I tried the ones before laying down the cash for the MA2's which have an outstanding midrange but the MA3's which are the sweet spot for me as the have better bass weight. Are you trying the 39.00 special?
i,m currently using all morrow cables a few steps up from the ma1. but that is where i started. i also have complete sets of mid-level wireworld and kimber kable. i have found the morrow cables to be open with great ability with transients. bass response is really nice. i don't try to write reviews though. but mike morrow has good policies and service. and you have 30 days to break them in and listen to them thru your gear...hope this helps.
I used to have MA3 ICs.They are clean, clear, and have a very low noise floor.I currently have Siltech Paris,which are cleaner,clearer,and a bit silkier on top.
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