Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
I love this site.My name is Todd,I was born in Charlotte NC. Relocated in late 60's to Greenville NC where I was raised. I'm 37 yrs.old and my first system consisted of a Realistic 15 watt a channel receiver,Gerrard turntable,& realistic two way speakers. I was 12 yrs. old & bought the gear with money made working in tobacco( my father could not understand that kind of money for a music box)I currently live in Greenvile NC, I'm an owner of a janitorial supply distributorship. My wife is a Doctor and she is great when it comes to my expensive hobby.I listen to eveything except rap junk. I also collect vintage high end watches,enjoy fine wines & fast cars. Thanks for great thread. PS I have met a lot of great people in my selling and buying of gear.
Swampwalker-- yes, eerie to have two "hole diggers" on this site. I've done a few wetland determinations myself. Sdcampbell-- glad to see I'm not quite the "old fart" of the forum. Too bad about the Dawgs this year (a worthy opponent). Yes, I'm a U of O DUCK fan-- Quack, Quack. Rayhall, thanks, and I'm learning better cyberchat manners myself. Eldragon-- college and an 8 to fiver ain't everything. You've had an incredible lifetime of travel and experiences that I'll never see. It's great to meet all you guys. Cheers. Craig.
hi folks! my name is jojo from san francisco, i love this site! without it, it would not have been possible to upgrade my system... anyway i'm 40 years old, and new at this game (real hi-fi stuff). musically, it all started in the early seventies, listening to top 40s, it was soul music back then, i've been hooked eversince. fortunately i have a understanding wife, who lets me dissapear into my music room downtairs whenever i feel the need, my seven year old sometimes joins me, and she mostly knows the tunes that i listen to. like most one of these days my dream system will become reality, life has been good so far, and one thing for sure, this hobby will never end... thanks ps- i mostly listen to: electronic music, dub, lite jazz, trip hop, brazilian, dance (prefer deep-house).
I'm an audiophile and not a geek. According to this thread, is that possible?
Snook2, it ofter seems to me that "geek" is in the eyes of the beholder(s) who give you that 'deer in the headlights' stare as you wax poetic about soundstaging, imaging and minute gradations of coloring. I'm 38, a VP of product mgmt. for an online financial company, also a Pastor in my church and a classically trained studio musician (pianist & electronic keyboards). Married & two sons. Born and raised in SF Bay Area (San Mateo, went to UC Berkeley, now live in East Bay). I was brought up from a very young age around music, have always had a love for and a desire to create it. The joy of creating music and playing with other musicians (esp. jazz and improvised music) superseded the pursuit of reproducing music for me, until just recently. Have typically spent large amounts of cash on musical instruments (synthesizers, etc.) and very little on audio gear, being content with the Yamaha R5 / Technics TT / Infinity speakers we bought when we first got married 14 years ago. However, the Hafler & Genelec monitors I use in the studio (and this site) started my dissatisfaction w/ my home system, so I bought a used pair of Von Schweikert minis. HHB CD recorder soon replaced my Sony CD carosel. Now Carl Eber has whetted my appetite for Magnepan's, VTL, and a starter TT like a Basis or something. My musical tastes are rather eclectic, embracing everything from Rachmaninoff to Sex Pistols to John Coltrane to Bach to Eno to musique concrete to Hendrix to Pat Metheny to King Crimson, and more than one "audiophile" shop here in the SF Bay Area has told me they didn't have speakers that would really do well with everything I want to throw at them. We'll see. BTW, this is a very valuable and insightful thread and so far is thankfully free of flames and posturing. Keep it going!