What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
Hi, I am an engineer in the aerospace industry with a strong interest in cognitive psychology. I also play the trombone, the piano, the guitar, and had a band when I was in high school and college for 10 years. My interest in music and electrical engineering has made being an audiophile a natural interest. My system has evolved over 30 years and is currently about 40K retail.
52 year old music educator who has been collecting 78's, LPs, and CDs his whole life. Have just committed 16k to my new & used audio equipment purchases over the last 3 months; Space-Tech QA-115 Tube pre-amp; Space-Tech VP-105 Tube amp; Linn Sondek LP12 turntable; Sony SACD 777ES CD Player; Space-Tech DA64X-T Tube D/A Converter; Dynalab Magnum MD-90 Tuner; Sonus Faber Signum speakers; REL Stadium III subwoofer; Monster MTS-5100 Power Conditioner; VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine and soon to purchase a Sistrum rack. This is a big step for me from my last piece of audio equipment purchased in 1988.Fortunately my wife hasn't left me and still seems to be supportive of my audio endeavors.
Veterinarian, age 43
Invested at Retail for HT and 2 Ch about 22K.
Really just completing my first "almost hifi" system in past 15 yrs.
I'm a student at Penn State (Jr.) who is 20 years old.

I've worked in FirstEnergy Nuclear's engineering department the last 2 summers and will return this summer to fuel my audio addiction. My system is currently at ~$3k, but will probably undergo more upgrades this summer.

Another year until I get a real job - then the audio disease will become terminal... now where to find the real job?...