What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
I'm currently working as a cook, hopefully soon to be selling real estate. I just turned 34 last week.
Psychotherapist PhD / Professor (p-t)/ Buddhist Minister (student) 64yrs. I feel life slipping away as I write this....
Zenith Reord player portable, bought on time
Hitachi Recevier used, burned out bldg., used zenith speakers
Radio Shack receiver, Hitachi Speakers
- sold everything

Kenwood receiver, Advent Speakers, big mothers, used
NAD Recevier, used 40wats
Boston Accoustic 5 pce, w sub
NAD Recevier 70 wats
Paradigm speakers,
Silverline 11s
Silverline 12
Linn k
EPOs 5
Triangle es
*Tyler's mini. .( *) still have
*Silverline 17s
EPOs els3
* Silverline something...
HK, Arcam
*Triangle 202
*Totem Rainmakers
*Totem Dream.
HK/ Cambridge
* Tetra U120
Not dead, yet....
I'm a Hitman. I'm 87 years old but still do contract work from my wheel chair. In fact, I have had more successful hits in my wheel chair due to the sympathy I attract and the increased access available to me in restricted areas. If it wasn't for the Super Beta Prostate formula I would've retired long ago.
Non-practicing physician/scientist. I have a simple system consisting of Zu Def 4s (upgraded from Def 2s), Ancient Audio Lektor Prime CDP, and Ancient Audio custom-made 300b SET with Takatsuki TA-300b tubes. All of these were acquired new for about 25k. However, when I began with Zu Def 2s, I experimented with EAR Acute CDP and EAR 859, Yamamoto A-08s, and Deja Vu Audio 45/2a3 amplifiers - all of which were purchased used and sold for their purchase price.
Master Electrician, Electrical Contractor, college Professor. Started collecting equipment at the ripe old age of 19 way back in 1976.