What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
Hey Cjl, another Meteorologist here. I only got 1 year in at the National Weather Service before the Clinton budget cut. Me being the new guy, was laid off.

I'm loving building speakers full time now, but still have a passion for weather.
I'm currently working as a cook, hopefully soon to be selling real estate. I just turned 34 last week.
Psychotherapist PhD / Professor (p-t)/ Buddhist Minister (student) 64yrs. I feel life slipping away as I write this....
Zenith Reord player portable, bought on time
Hitachi Recevier used, burned out bldg., used zenith speakers
Radio Shack receiver, Hitachi Speakers
- sold everything

Kenwood receiver, Advent Speakers, big mothers, used
NAD Recevier, used 40wats
Boston Accoustic 5 pce, w sub
NAD Recevier 70 wats
Paradigm speakers,
Silverline 11s
Silverline 12
Linn k
EPOs 5
Triangle es
*Tyler's mini. .( *) still have
*Silverline 17s
EPOs els3
* Silverline something...
HK, Arcam
*Triangle 202
*Totem Rainmakers
*Totem Dream.
HK/ Cambridge
* Tetra U120
Not dead, yet....
I'm a Hitman. I'm 87 years old but still do contract work from my wheel chair. In fact, I have had more successful hits in my wheel chair due to the sympathy I attract and the increased access available to me in restricted areas. If it wasn't for the Super Beta Prostate formula I would've retired long ago.
Non-practicing physician/scientist. I have a simple system consisting of Zu Def 4s (upgraded from Def 2s), Ancient Audio Lektor Prime CDP, and Ancient Audio custom-made 300b SET with Takatsuki TA-300b tubes. All of these were acquired new for about 25k. However, when I began with Zu Def 2s, I experimented with EAR Acute CDP and EAR 859, Yamamoto A-08s, and Deja Vu Audio 45/2a3 amplifiers - all of which were purchased used and sold for their purchase price.