Impact on sound from moving and bending cables

In your experience, how long does it take for cables to "relax" or settle back in after you have moved them? I am not talking about just moving them an inch but when you actually bend them and such when reorganizing your rig? I have a pangea AC9 that is crazy thick and when I moved my system the other day I had to bend it in a few different ways to fit properly.

My system sounded noticeably different for the worse yesterday after I moved things around but today it has come back to life. I played music for about 8 hours since moving things around...

Also, it's really cold and dry here in CO during winters and I have a ton of static electricity. I read somewhere that unplugging your speaker cables for a few hours (5-6) will actually drain off any static built up in the cables. Anyone else hear this and try it? I am going to buy some anti static to spray or wipe on my cables and carpet around my rig also, but was curious about your guys' experience with disconnecting speaker cables to drain off static electricity.
I too sound somewhat different after intense workout such as loadin' moving truck and then back to normal after muscle soreness eases up.
I can't comment on the cable, but I say this every winter: get a humidifier. I guarrantee your SQ will improve and it's good for everything else including people. Humidity at 43% traps viruses and helps prevent illness. But nobody ever listens to me. So what's new?
I've been questioning my hearing after noticing something similar this week. After switching a different amp into my system I had to install a different ac cable ( the same Wireworld model, just a different length) and really bend the ends of my speaker cables into a new shape to feed them through my rack. I swore things sounded worse for about 8-10 hours before things smoothed out and sounded as I expected. This wasn't a new amp, it's one I have had for many years and am familiar with. Is the perception because of moving cables or because I needed to become acclimated to the change? I'm not going to speculate.
It could be that electricity 'learns' a path via the wire. When you change the path, the electricity learns the new path. The electrons that comprise electricity are considered matter even though they have no mass or volume but something about them qualifies them as matter by very bright people. So it may stand to reason that when observed, they behave as matter.

This matter travels a path in the most efficient way possible down the wire and when the wire (path) changes, it again learns the most efficient path. The only point of contention that I see is as infinitesimal it is to learn and navigate the new path and the speed in which it happens, is it enough to mess with the sound?

All the best,