What's your favorite instrument to listen to....

We all must have a favorite instrument that we prefer to listen to on our systems, be it guitar, sax, piano, vocal(male or female), etc... I realised I am a piano sort of guy, be it Jazz or Classical I tend to seek out piano music. Not saying that I don't listen to other's I just have a piano bias. What's your preference? Is there a specific reason why? Is it your favorite instrument or does it sound best on your system?
I used to play the Coronet & the Piano. I love piano, most brass & female vocals. My favorite trombone piece is from the song "Let Em In" on Wings Greatest Hits. It really shows the resolving power of my Apogees....
It would be impossible to nail it down to one. I love listening to the Flute, but on certain recordings other things stand out that just sound fantastic. Brass, real piano, bass guitar.
Maybe it's a guy thing but it's hard to argue the "female vocals" comments. As long as it's singing and not nagging!