Blu-Ray and HD DVD

I want to upgrade my dvd player and there are a lot of nice choices out there right now. However, I'm concerned that whatever I buy now will be obsolete in a few months when blu ray (HD DVD?) hits the market. Am I missing something or is now the time to wait instead of plunking down serious cash on a player that isn't HD compatible? Also, am I mistaken in thinking that blu-ray = HD DVD?
The computer side loves blu-ray for the storage capacity. Hollywood wants HD-DVD so they don't need to spend as much on changing manufacturing.

There are blu-ray players from Panasonic, Sharp, and Sony already availible in the Japanese market.

I'm betting on blu-ray to win out this format war.
I hope that whatever happens, the consumer is offered movies in a compact, high definition format that is affordable.

Icing on the cake would be a better digital audio format, one that would outshine CD, DVD and SACD. Probably asking too much, but I can dream.
I have an extensive collection of movies on standard DVD, so I hope the new Blue Ray players will accomodate the millions of people like me who have invested heavily in DVD's. My understanding is, however that the Sony Blue Ray machine will do no such thing, whereas the Panasonic version of this format will.

I suppose we could go through the hassle of recording all our movies to the Blue Ray disks, but how inconvenient is that!!! Sony and the rest of these goofballs need to think about the CONSUMER and not just their precious technology!
This months Perfect Vision and HDTV etc magazines have alot of information about this subject.
I'm with Albert, no matter how this plays out, I'll be excited to watch the process and outcome.