The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
I came in a little late to this thread but something Carl posted earlier is directed at me. “Now, if some guy says "My wife and I have young single women over to the house all the time, who are hard core audiophiles every bit as much as we are", I find that essentially IMPOSSIBLE to believe, and ALSO RESENT IT.” Perhaps your level of resentment made you blind to meaning of my post. My post was a specific counter example prompted by your post were you were questioned whether there were women who would want to listen to recorded music and care about the sound. There are. I’m married to one and we are close friends with the other two. However, we are hard core MUSIC LOVERS. Our interest in audio equipment is because we want the best possible sound to recreate the musical experience. We know that virtually everything will impact the sound. We each have our preferences in the trade-offs involved in high end audio down to what brand of tubes to use. But it is all about the music. Only occasionally do we spend hours listening to equipment but EVERY week we spend hours listening to music.
Plsl, no, that comment of mine wasn't directed at you at all. I'm sorry if you construed it that way, it was directed at someone else who uttered a phrase nearly identical to my paraphrase. That was NOT you, it was someone different; he knows who he is, and I'm sure he'll attack me again on it at some future time...and he'll again NOT prove his point to me in the least................I'm glad you and your wife love music, and listening to it at home (I really am), but that in no way disproves what essentially ALL of us know from experience (that it's hard to find a woman who will tolerate us in this hobby). You, and others like you, are the exception, and griping about it proves nothing. It's just bragging on your part, and if that's what you need to do here (most of us do at some time), then go right ahead and tell old Carl just how wrong he are one of many, and few succeed. As a wise man has said of me, "You're not afraid to be brutally honest in your commentary"......................It's time to stop being politically correct, the 1990's are history, thank goodness!! Everybody doesn't do "everything" in exactly the same way, to the same degree. They have every right to do so, a few rise above the ordinary, but most don't. As audiophiles, we are perhaps 1% of the population. Female audiophiles, and especially single ones, can surely only be 10% of our number (and that's being generous). Show me a sworn affidavit that provides evidence to the contrary (that even 20% of audiophiles worldwide are single females), and I'll admit I'm wrong on this freely. DO I WISH ALL WOMEN WERE AUDIOPHILES? Yes, indeed! Do I wish they hung around me? Do you have to ask? (Or rather, would you kick a bachelor when he's down, heh heh? That's always easier than helping, isn't it?)
Carl I apologize for my presumption. You are certainly correct that there are very few audiophiles. There do seem to be more of them out here on the west coast.
You can say that again! The answer is ECONOMICS! Mid-west and especialy South is economicaly depressed! I live down Deep South, and everything here remainding me on the "Third World"( with the exception to New Orleans, Mobile and couple of select cities) where i came from! The middle-class virtualy doesn't exist! There is rich ("old" money, good ol' boy society) and working-two jobs "poor". I am talking about Biloxi MS, which despite "Casinos", didn't show any economic progress. Cost of living is higher as ever, ...Union representatives have been chased away, even though great number of workers showed the interest. Local government and local News media "interfered" on the behalf of the "Casino's" to keep Status-Quo! We are talking about "basic" survival here, forget about the "luxury". Buying power is reduced to early to mid eightie's! I am sure looking to go back West! Always go West! Regards!