The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
Carl I apologize for my presumption. You are certainly correct that there are very few audiophiles. There do seem to be more of them out here on the west coast.
You can say that again! The answer is ECONOMICS! Mid-west and especialy South is economicaly depressed! I live down Deep South, and everything here remainding me on the "Third World"( with the exception to New Orleans, Mobile and couple of select cities) where i came from! The middle-class virtualy doesn't exist! There is rich ("old" money, good ol' boy society) and working-two jobs "poor". I am talking about Biloxi MS, which despite "Casinos", didn't show any economic progress. Cost of living is higher as ever, ...Union representatives have been chased away, even though great number of workers showed the interest. Local government and local News media "interfered" on the behalf of the "Casino's" to keep Status-Quo! We are talking about "basic" survival here, forget about the "luxury". Buying power is reduced to early to mid eightie's! I am sure looking to go back West! Always go West! Regards!
Eldragon Many rural areas in the South are poor when compared to living standards in other rural parts of our country. Most Southern states are right to work ("Unions need not apply") and the "old" money good ole boy network is still prevalent. There are however many quite progressive southern areas, most near major cities. You are using the absolute worst example of the South, Mississippi, which has chronically been the poorest, most backward state in our Republic since the end of the Civil War. They will remain so because the mentality there is "Old South", completely non-progressive with a major emphasis on maintaining the status quo. Might I suggest any place you moved North East or West would be an improvement. Mississippi has the highest functional illiteracy rate in the country which also contributes to their poverty. That state is a perfect example of old ideas not changing in a changing world. Our own backyard example of that is wrong with Latin America in general, it certainly isn’t the people. And so far as introducing gambling in a poor area, wasn't Atlantic City a good enough example of that stupid idea?, more poverty, that's all. Just some ongoing observations of our social versus economic values.
I am from a southern state, and, although I dream of working in CA sometime, I don't think the south is so bad at all. I've visited the northeast several times, and feel it is WAY overrated! Homes that cost around $700,000 in my area now, cost about $8 million in the northeast. The cost of living is too high in the northeast, and so is the population density. Also, unless you like urban sprawl, there's essentially nothing in the way of scenery. At least in CA, there's plenty of room to stretch out. Also, the average New Englander is about as conceited as the average Parisian, or for that matter British royalty, IMO. At least in the south, we have the common courtesy to smile while we are insulting your sorry keester...there is zero common courtesy or manners in New England WHATSOEVER. To say otherwise is to lie. I think they're so incorrigable because they hate their lives, and don't realize it. If I had to buy a new car every year, because the constant road salt ate it in half...not to mention freezing like I was in Antarctica for 8 months out of the year...I'd hate my life too! I hear heating oil has skyrocketed this year...I wouldn't want to be any of you up that way, not in a million years! Visiting is one thing, staying is madness...