Best system for ROMANCE

Hi'I am very new to this.My old boyfriend was an audiophile.I want to build my own system now.I want the most romantic sound possible. I listen to mostly classical and love to get it on during music.Any advice? I have about $4000.00 to spend and have to start from scratch.Thanks guys!!
I've always been fond of the '82 and '88 Lafite Rothschild.. ....but lately the '84, '86 and '87 Montelena Estate Cabernet has been giving more pleasure. Although I must mention that the '92 Dala Valle is a future star....but then there's always vintage Champagne...esp. well stored '85's. Hope this helps.
Conrad Johnson CAV50 or Jolida 302B, Vandersteen 2Ce, Rotel 990 CDP, an old tube tuner, Tara Labs or XLO cable. Jazz from the mid 50's to mid to late 60's. Wine? All of the whites from Louis Jadot are great.
I like YBA's lower end stuff in the Audio Refinement brand name. It's very warm, CD palyer is about $800.00 and Intergrated amp is about $900.00. Leaving enough money for good speakers and cables.
Hi Cindy; A LOT of good suggestions above, but I agree with staying away from vinyl-- but only for the reasons stated. The system Trelja recommends would do it for me. I've owned Vandersteen 2Ces for years, and they are warm, forgiving, and inviting-- it's true that they do need room. Sorry, but I can't comment on the wine! Cheers. Craig.
Hey Cindy I suspect there are more beer drinkers among the lot of us judging by a thread titled "BEST BEER...MADE ANYWHERE". I certainly love wine but freely admit I'm no connoisseure. Khrys's system looks real good to me although I am not familiar with the CD player. I'll guarantee lush and romantic with his other choices however. Just make sure you.....STAY WITH TUBES! But really, I don't believe you'll need convincing once you listen. Have fun with your journey.